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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Obama wants to end federal mandatory minimums

In an attempt to damage Obama, the Clintonoids cited Obama's opposition to federal mandatory minimums. This is the kinda no-tolerance shit where possession of 5 grams of crack will get you a minimum 5 year prison, while it takes 500 grams of powder cocaine to get the same. In case you were wondering, it's because white people tend to use powder over rock. Mandatory minimums wreak havoc in almost every other "criminal" area, from sex laws to firearms. They are almost always wrought with good intentions, but tend to be reactionary attempts to stem tides of recent crimes or vice. This is how prescription drug,
consensual sex, and fraud cases will often receive harsher sentences than first-degree murder.
The U.S. prison population DOUBLED under Bill Clinton. It doesn't seem as if Hillary has any other plans.

1 comment:

The Gurftastic Blog said...

Yeah, but... like isn't it better to oppress the poor lest they move into OUR neighborhoods?