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Friday, December 19, 2008


It's a snowy day in New York City, so I'm staying in for most of today. In honor of my voluntary convalescence, here's the original trailer for one of my new favorite films of all time. The Sergio Leone masterpiece Once Upon a Time in the West:

I cannot recommend this film highly enough, especially for those skeptical of the "western" genre. Leone infuses the tradition with a heavy dose of classic Italian neorealism and good old late-60s grit and grime. I love it. It is the perfect example of an anti-western, so perfect in fact that it redefined the genre (in a way voiding the "anti" aspect!).


The Gurftastic Blog said...

"It's a snowy day in New York City, so I'm staying in for most of today. " Ummm... that's hilarious to me. And you know exactly why.

Mafoo said...

Is it because clowning me for chillin at home with nothing to do makes you feel like a busier and more important super-gig-guy?

The Gurftastic Blog said...

Yes? If it's any consolation, I played like ass tonight. I'll never work in this town again.

Mafoo said...

Replace "like" with "with" and that's my last 5 reasons for moving from town to town.

Kate said...

p.s. gurf, if you start wearing skinny jeans, we can't be friends any more.