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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas in Long Beach

Are you're a unabashed fan of Christmas/Holiday music, but you are sick and tired of hearing the same versions of the same songs over and over and over - especially when they're suddenly interrupted 2 bars before the end with one of those annoying "K-Earth 101!! Holiday Favorites on the Radio!!!!!" shockers?

Yeah. Me too.

Well, that's all over.

Tune into my favorite internet radio station, The 1920s Radio Network.

Every holiday season they play the best in little-known Christmas gems and obscure versions of holiday classics from the early part of the 20th century. You are always sure to hear stuff you've never heard before, and it's all wonderful.

Create a nice holiday environment in your place without having to hear that damn Wham song 19 times.

I'm in Cali now visiting my family for the first time in a year (!). It's beautiful outside, but Long Beach isn't exactly a Winter Wonderland, so I need all the old-timey Christmasin' I can get!

1 comment:

Kate said...

but, the real question is, do they play Nestor? Merry Christmas Matthew!