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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Donde Esta Santa Claus?

Dear friends, two years ago I lost the fight against Christmas music. I realized that resistance is futile and began collecting weird and unique versions of classic Christmas songs. Well, now I've created my own.

I just completed a cover of the classic mexploitation hit Donde Esta Santa Claus?, made famous by Augie Rios. Not to be a genre whore or anything, but the cover has elements of Yé-yé, lounge, dancehall reggae, punk, hip hop, and death metal. But yet, I try and stay true to Augie's vision.

It's a free download, so click this link to listen or right/ctrl-click to save:

Donde Esta Santa Claus?

Here's the original if you are unfortunate enough not to know this classic:

Hope you enjoy it and Snappy Holidays!

P.S. extra points to anyone who spots the Herbie Goes Bananas reference!