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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ow! My hands are burning!

Check out my boy Caleb in this New York Times feature. It's a pretty kickass article and there's a video too!
At 28, Mr. Burhans has pursued a career path so logical that it seems almost foolproof. Just sing, compose and master several instruments (besides the violin he plays viola, guitar, bass, keyboards and percussion) and the New York freelance world is your oyster. But this is a new development. Until recently, the conventional wisdom went, musicians with diverse talents should specialize: decide whether they are better suited to composing or performing, singing or playing an instrument, working in classical music or a variety of pop.
I've been playing with Caleb in some facet or another for about 10 years now (hell we're on a gig right now!) and he's definitely one of my favorite people to play with, and one of my favorite people in general. If anyone deserves a full-blown feature it's him. Rock out C-Lab!

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