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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Brilliant Onion swipe at the anti-consumerist mentality

New Fig Newtons Ad Preys On Inherent Human Weakness

The Onion

New Fig Newtons Ad Preys On Inherent Human Weakness

NEW YORK—"Flattery, pride, self-aggrandizement, fear of rejection: This latest Fig Newtons ad campaign hits on all cylinders," a delighted advertising executive said.

This is why I love The Onion, they take swipes at all political movements, regardless of what is PC. I used to read Adbusters a lot, but then I realized that the whole concept was based on the assumption that people are too stupid to see through these ads.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Morning Caffeinated Idealistic Nonsense

"We will end poverty and stop HIV/AIDS within our generation when guided by African principles such as 'ubuntu' that underscore our interconnectedness. With greater compassion for others, we would no longer accept hunger and disease as facts of life."
- Cedza Dlamini

Wonderfully indicative of the Starbucks, liberal, yuppie philosophy: we can solve the world's problems with vague, feel-good ideas rather than concrete solutions. Of course the purpose is not to provide solutions, but rather to stimulate generic sensations of altruism in the consumer. As long as the plan for Africa remains charity over investment, sympathy over confidence, philosophy over solutions, Africa will never join the modern world and take care of those problems.

Ps I'm blogging on my phone during rehearsal, sweet!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Southland Tales Trailer

I still think Southland Tales is going to be an incredible movie and this trailer seems to confirm this. I think there is considerable doubt whether it will be a box office success - it seems like it might become one of those classic cult movies we all know and love. I think a lot of the indie crowd might be skeptical of the bubblegum cast but I've got trust, I've got trust. I'm not really a fan of Patrick Swayze and Drew Barrymore but they were perfect for Donnie Darko. It comes out November 9th, the same day as my Microtonal Recital. I know what I'm doing to celebrate...

San Diego mayor accepts Gay Marriage

Oof! Try watching this without getting a little choked up:

It is so rare to see a politician go directly against what he is supposed to do. It is remarkable that Republican (!) Jerry Sanders had the balls to do this when the leading Democratic candidates for President cannot do the same. As much as Obama might appeal to me, this one issue will make it pretty much impossible for me to vote for him. Sanders evokes the Civil Rights Era phrase Separate but Equal. There is really no other way to view the worthless, stalling attempts at pacification such as Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships. What is the difference between saying "Oh, but your Civil Union is just as good as our heterosexual marriage..." and saying "Oh, but your Blacks Only school is just as good as our Whites Only school..."?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Robert Jordan dies.

Sad news today. I am a big fan of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, having read all of the books (12!). I was really looking forward to the final one which was set to come out next year I believe. As much as I hate to say it, the shock that the story might not be completed was scarier than the actual death. That's how involving his books can be. They were my first introduction to the fantasy genre, which can be really really bad in most cases or absolutely amazing in a select few. The Wheel of Time is one of those few.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fox Censors Sally Field?

Ever the controversial figure (um... not really), Sally Field was apparently censored by Fox just a few minutes ago for speaking out against the war. She was pretty tongue-tied in her acceptance speech and was babbling somewhat incoherently about "war" when she suddenly said something to the effect of "we all know that if women ruled the world there would be no godda..." and Fox awkwardly cut audio and switched camera angles to one above the auditorium. So... what else can you deduce but that Fox cut her speech for mentioning the war? Possibly they will go with the cover story that it was because of her attempted "goddamn". But we'll see if this becomes a story or not. Maybe that's why I'm writing on it. Do I care if Sally Field is censored? Probably. Did she scare the shit out of me as a kid in Sybil? Fuck yeah she did...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Distort that tart in my nub.

I literally laughed until I cried while watching this:

Via Boing Boing

The Crash of the Teen Titans

You like my triple-entendre don't you? Admit it. (Of course getting it is predicated on having an interest in both comically bad 80s movies about Greek Mythology as well as historically bad comic book teams) Anyway [notice how I no longer say anywayS, (or tomorrie!) ... oh, the refs, the refs...], seeing that my happiness, inner and outer, seems to be predicated on the continual public disgrace of pop culture figures (not without a twinge of grief however - I have somewhat of a bastardized formulation of what some might call a conscience), the recent public decay of several of these icons provides a special satiation for me - personally, a pop icon's psychological effect most resembles the effect of a good sharp cheese: the perfect kind of bitter come from that stage of fermentation when the decay makes itself readily apparent.

But of course ones personal tastes must come into account. My favorite cheese is a nice Irish extra-sharp cheddar - obviously the closest analog is Britney. Some might have cut a slice 4 years ago, when the earliest signs of pungency were beginning to arise (this speculative group of timids having neither a passion for the bitter or a taste for the sadistic), for example the sapphic kiss shared with Madonna (ironically an icon whose progression was more of a stagnancy than a fermentation). The VMA kiss symbolized a release of her superficial tethering to the role of "good girl". Some saw it as maturity, some as merely a stunt. Others, such as myself, saw it in simpler terms: She's really just kind of a dumb 'ho. And dumb 'hos, male or female, lacking the grounding that her former role gave her (no matter how bullshit it was), in the type of position she is in, are destined to go crazy.

And so now we have this:
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And as of last night, this:

Now, some have called this years VMA performance a disaster, a tragedy. It's neither. It's stale. The tragedy was the bald, flashin'-her-pussy Britney. This is the Oxycontin-fueled, hangover-ravaged, shell-of-her-former-self Britney. The true connoisseur savored the former - the Britney of a few months ago: chopping off her hair, freaking out on the paparazzi, flashin' da puss, thinking she was the devil. That was the correct time to cut a slice, inhale the pointed bouquet, and sink your teeth.

As an armchair pop cultural doom-sayer, one thing always fascinates me: the recursive expectation that the newest pop culture teen darlings have the potential for being wholesome and moral, thus somehow bringing about a conservative revolution to pop culture as a whole. They thought this with Lindsey Lohan, Mandy Moore, to some extant Britney, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake (hell the last three were in the fucking Mickey Mouse club). What happens? They all turn out to be sluts, JT included (PS I saw a bit of the Future Sex Love whateverthefuck show on HBO. Let's face it, it's still boy band bullshit. I saw him dancing while mock-playing a keytar, come-the-fuck-on! Although I dig what he said at this years VMAs). Ok, let's face it. Artists are crazy, whacked-out, twisted sluts! I am. My friends are. We're crazy as fuck, we'll never pull some Ozzie and Harriet-type bullshit (For the record, it is not just conservative ideals that fail to be adequately espoused - I remember lefties and feminists who actually believed that the Spice Girls' ridiculous Girl Power message would somehow make a difference. How'd that turn out?)

So this brings me to High School Musical. Yes, that is a phrase my close friends have had to suffer all too often recently. There was a People Magazine that found its way into my apartment recently (and into my bathroom). The cover story was the real-life relationship between the two stars of the musical and the sequel. It spoke of the wholesomeness of the movies and the apparent wholesomeness of the two stars. It was typical "Could this adorably moral couple bring about a change in the teen pop cultural dynamic?" kind of article. Well guess what? Apparently not (NSFW!)

Wh-wh-what?? An actress has a scandalous side? Stop the presses! Of course she does. Everybody does. And artists are the most scandalous (or scanless if you prefer) of all. The issue is when it becomes self-destructive and pathological (i.e. with Britney). Ironically, even though Vanessa Hudgens is probably your average kinky teenage actress, it is shit like this that will make her go over the edge. Some disgruntled ex-boyfriend decides to make a quick buck and 5 years later she's found in a New Jersey gas station, drinking 87 octane direct from the pump in a bunny costume, with ravages of smeared mascara framing her hollow eyes.
And I'll be sitting in my lazyboy, a block of Limburger cheese in one hand, a knife and a bottle of vintage Bordeaux in the other.